Bird poop or droppings can be really messy. Learn how to make money by starting your own bird poop cleaning business!
On a warm sunny day, have you ever rejoiced to find the last parking space under a shady tree knowing that your car will not be a furnace when you return?
If you have, then you likely also know the feeling of emerging from your home, office, or the store that you had popped into for just a moment, only to find that your car had been assaulted by a flock of birds that had also sought refuge from the heat in the very same tree over your car and your once beautiful shiny car is now covered in bird poop?
If it hasn’t happened to you yet, it is likely only a matter of time. You are going to be a car owner’s new best friend. You will begin offering kits to car owners that they can keep stored in their car to remove these nasty bird droppings before they even have a chance to do permanent damage to their car’s surfaces, because let’s face it, when it comes to bird poop ‘an ounce of preparedness is worth a pound of cure’. You should be able to sell these kits for an average of $30 each.
The droppings of birds can really damage the paint and finish of a car if left untreated. Many times, it requires a special cleaning to remove. If you don’t have this cleaner on hand, or have no idea where to purchase it, you will likely leave the droppings on your car long enough for them to do permanent damage. This is especially true in warm weather climates. Moreover, when it comes time to sell that car, trust me, no one wants to buy a used car that has clearly been attacked by birds in the past.
You should find a cleaning product similar to the famous “Poop Off” that comes in different applicator forms. The kits should contain one or two basic cleaning products (or the same product in different forms such as a concentrated bottle of the product along with the same product in a pre-moistened cloth form), along with a spray bottle that they can keep filled with water.
Include several cleaning instruments such as cloths or sponges that are appropriate for cleaning the delicate surfaces of a car. Along with these items should be information explaining how easily a car’s finish can be damaged by bird droppings and detailed directions for using the ingredients in the kit. What a great gift idea for a loved one that has just purchased a new vehicle!
After figuring out what you would like to include in your bird poop cleaning kit, you should next help people to find you and your fantastic new product! The fastest way to get the word out about your cleaning kit would be to design a basic website explaining why the product is so important, the many uses and situations that the product can be used for, and many clear photos of your product.
You should list your website with popular search engines and monitor car aficionados’ chat rooms to recommend it to people who are in need of it. If you have ever searched for the words, “bird poop,” you will realize just how many people are frustrated with this situation and are searching for a solution!
Next, you should start a word of mouth campaign. Give out kits to a few friends who are talkative and belong to large networks or contacts and friends. Let them try it out and see what they think.
Once word gets out about how wonderful it was to have this kit on hand when the bird population assaulted their car, your business will escalate quickly! In addition to this, you can print up simple flyers with a colorful photo of your product and basic information on its cost and availability and post them where drivers tend to frequent. This would be pretty much anywhere in a city full of drivers. Be sure to include popular lunch places and coffee shops!
Most post offices, Laundromats, and grocery stores also have bulletin boards that they will allow you to place an advertisement on. Be sure to take advantage of any public bulletin boards in your immediate area to find people looking for you and your solution.